The Griffith Mural Art Trail
- Painted by: Di Tarr & Lisa Taliano
Meet Gigi, painted by a local dynamic local duo. Di is a multidisciplinary artist with an incredible skill set ranging from woven textiles to mosaics. Lisa previously worked as an interior decorator, after a brush with cancer she took up painting and hasn’t looked back since. - Painted by: Reubszz
This mural was based on the photo by Frank Hurley, Official First World War Photographer.
Pictured is Henry Dingle M.M., Devotion to Duty, Pozières.
Died of wounds, February 1917, aged 23 (Australian Army Medical Corps) - Painted by Karissa Undy
b) Painted by: Veronica Collins
b) Mosaiced by: Lifestyle Community
- Painted by: Thomas Jackson
Painted Honeyeaters are listed as a vulnerable species.
Unlike many species of honeyeaters which will forage at almost any types of flowers, the Painted Honeyeater specialises in foraging at the flowers of the parasitic mistletoes that grow in trees.
These mistletoe flowers are often quite exquisite, being delicate and brightly coloured, and they hang in profusion among the pendulous mistletoe foliage.
Painted Honeyeaters probe the flowers with their deep-pink beaks, and they find them so alluring that their regular seasonal movements coincide with the times when different species of mistletoes are blooming. - Painted by: Straight Lines Design team
- Painted by: Claire Foxton
Griffith.. known as one of the most productive agricultural regions in Australia…and ..interesting cultural underpinnings, with 60% of its population having Italian heritage due to an influx of Italian migrant farmers in the early 1900s.It felt fitting to pay homage to these two facts in my mural.
I really enjoyed using a very Mediterranean palette and painting some patterns you might find in Nonna’s kitchen! Overall I wanted the wall to feel like a top-down view (somewhat abstracted) of a table wrapping around the building. So it’s kind of best viewed from the corner. It was also the first time tackling a full-colour rendering of an object on a large scale (I usually paint realistic elements in 2 colours, or focus solely on shadows & highlights). I’ve been wanting to challenge myself for a while and figured the oranges, in their simplicity, were good low-hanging fruit Fun fact! I met the building owner on day one, who hadn’t seen my design and who I didn’t know anything about. Turns out he’s the owner of a Griffith-based juice company (and Italian, of course). Thanks Tony. The building was originally used as a backyard soft-drink bottling factory behind Pritchard’s General Store. I’m not sure of its age, but it endearingly (and frustratingly) crumbled away as I painted it. I did my best to give in to its charm and accept that the texture is a part of its story. On arrival, I decided to leave a small section of the brickwork visible (see the section to the right of plate) to honour its history. - Painted by: Allan McKenzie Sr.
The mural is a representation of many elements that have significant meaning to culture, people, country, ceremony, and more.
Allan McKenzie Senior is an all round artist who has endless amounts of creativity! Allan has been living In Griffith for 35+ years and is a professional artist in many art forms. Sculptures of any material, designs, painting and murals, Allan is also a didgeridoo expert and a creator of aboriginal artifacts. - Painted by: Cooper Crothers
- Painted by: Reubszz
“I wanted to recognise the local agricultural community that makes up a large portion of Griffith and the wider area. I visited a local farm and was fortunate enough to spend some time there where I set up and photographed a farmer and his son. The farmer is seen holding his hat close to his heart which acts as a metaphor for farming and agriculture. It’s a pretty isolating and consuming gig so his son is seen with his hand on his shoulder supporting him. It’s very important for me when working in this fashion to do so in a way that will act as a timeless piece for the local community to interpret in many different ways. ”Reubszz is a Sydney-based artist, originally from New Zealand where he completed his BMA, majoring in painting and illustration. His work consists of large-scale artworks and studio pieces.. - Painted by: Steph Cartledge
- Painted by: Brett Piva
- Painted by: George Rose
Cocoparra Orchards – I have a personal interest in depicting Australia’s endemic and endangered botany in my work, so I connected with Eric Whiting, a local naturalist, to discuss Griffith’s unique ecosystem. He spoke to me about the unique species that have now been relegated to roadsides and small pockets around the region due to increased agricultural production. My work explores the relationship between the urban landscape and the fragility of endangered and rare varieties of spider orchids found in the Cocoparra Ranges including Caladenia Fitzgeraldii, Caladenia Tentaculata, and Caladenia Concinna. My hope is that viewers will be inspired by this mural to learn more about the indigenous flora existing in their backyard. - Painted by: Bronte Naylor
Bronte Naylor is an Australian visual artist whose career spans both Gallery and Public applications. National collaborations with major arts festival across Australia have seen Bronte firmly positioned as an emerging heavyweight in Australian public art.
Her primary area of concerned is ‘memory’ and it’s reliance and relationship to technology. Naylor investigates ‘collage’ as a strategy to develop aesthetic stages allowing her public art works to both recall and manipulate images holding them in varying states of real and artificial realities. Naylor aims to create a public work which seeks to speak to individual and shared memory of the site or local. - Painted by: sophi Odling
- Painted by: Loretta Lizzio
- Painted by: Cooper Crothers
- Painted by: Cory McKenzie
- Painted by: Ian McCallum
Ian McCallum is an Australian artist whose practice slips between indoor and outdoor work. A collage-like aesthetic is a signature of the work including textural and typographical forms. His work possesses an anthropological study quality which stems from the reference material sourced through travel and photography. Signs, architecture, detritus, decay and repair catch the artists’ eye when searching for this material. - Painted by: Fintan Magee
- Painted by: Michael Black
My mural for the Banna Lane festival is an Impressionist abstract landscape formation that is layered together using expressive mark-making and a bright colour palette. A lot of my work is founded on colour studies and sketches that are produced over time in the Australian bushland. These fast colour reference sketches are then used as a backbone to create a mural. - Painted by: Cooper Crother
- Painted by MAN.DE
“Australia has an amazing collection of over 24,000 wildflowers and 60 percent cannot be seen anywhere else in the world. For this mural, I have researched flora from NSW and the region, which includes the Waratah, Correa Alba, the yellow Paper Daisy, Billy Button, and much more. With this artwork, I wanted to bring some good energy to the area and celebrate our rich and diverse native flora.”Mandy Schoene-Salter is an interdisciplinary artist working in urban art, photography, and community art. Her work encompasses large-scale murals and stencil artworks as well as installations and smaller-scale works on found materials and canvas. - Painted by Guido van Helten
Guido van Helten is an Australian born visual artist and photographer (1986). He is an internationally recognized artist creating contemporary street art throughout the world which is underpinned by his exploration of community and identity generated through photography and large-scale mural installations. - Mosaiced by: Bim Hilder
Unveiled at the official opening of the Exies club on August 3, 1963. The three parts of the mosaic represents the district’s rural wealth and many aspects associated with Griffith, in particular the diversity in agriculture grown in the Riverina region - Painted by: Christina Huynh
- Painted by: Jordan Lucky
- Painted by: Reubszz
- Painted by: Murrumbidgee High School
- Painted by: Carolyn Williams
- Painted by: Karly Sivewrite
- Painted by: Andrew Bourke
- Painted by: Green Gecko Garden Centre & Friends
- Painted by: Heesco
On a 9ML Water Tank set on Scenic Hill, spray painted using nearly 900 cans of spray paint. Renowned silo and tank artist, Heesco, created the large-scale project blending themes of water, multiculturalism, agriculture, manufacturing and Indigenous First Nations heritage. This eye-catching artwork celebrates Griffith’s rich and diverse community.